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80 Members Currently Surfing!
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- 100% Free to Join!
- Desktop Surfing App!
- Advertise Your Facebook, YouTube, And Twitter Pages + More!
- Create Up To 50 Personal YouTube Pages!
- Advertise your social links at the top of the surf page for free!
- Create unlimited campaigns to track referral page advertising
- Auto Surf/Manual Surf Exchange
- No Login Required for Surfing
- No wasted credits on viewing your own sites
- Start Page Advertising
-Make your site the first one our surfers see!
- Display your Banner!
- Members webpages are shown on ALL 8 Surf Sites!
- Up to 5,000 Credits Per Referral Signup!
- 10 Second Timer
- Progressive Surf Ratio
- Sites with Video Accepted
- Win 50,000 Hits FREE for every 1 million pages surfed
- Random Referrals *
- Monthly Referral Contest!
1st- 100,000 Credits, 2nd- 50,000 Credits, 3rd- 25,000 Credits
- All Countries and Languages Accepted
- Surf Prizes- Free credits just for surfing
- 3 Different Types of Memberships to Choose From
- Detailed Account Statistics
- 100% Automated, 24/7
- URL Rotators, PTP, & PTC Accepted
- 2:1 Surfing Ratio
- Advertise up to 20 Web-sites + 25 Text Ads + 25 Banners
- Advertise your Banners on 1000's of sites for free with our Banner Exchange!
- Advertise your Text Links on 1000's of sites for free with our Text Link Exchange!
- Hits are Automatically Assigned
- Receive credits for showing your referral page
- Referral Payout for 5 Levels
.50 .40 .30 .20 .10 hits/level/referral visit
- Plus earn hits for each Referral Sign-up for 5 Levels
2,000 1,900 1,800 1,700 1,600 hits/level/referral sign-up
- Free URL Rotator
Pro Membership |
Corporate Membership | |
- ONLY $9.99 / Month!
- Receive 50,000 Credits per Month!
A $40 Value!
- Create up to 10 Splash Pages
Plus Free Hosting!
- Random Referrals *
- Account will never be idle
- Advertise up to
50 Web-sites + 75 Text Ads + 100 Banners
- 1:1.00 Surfing Ratio (instead of 2:1)
- 10 Second Timer
- Unlimited Hit Counter Service
- Referral Payout for 5 Levels
1.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.25 hits/level/referral visit
- Referral Sign-up for 5 Levels
5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 hits/level/referral sign-up
- ONLY $19.99 / Month!
Or Per Year (SAVE 25%)
- Receive 125,000 Credits per Month!
OVER A $100 Value!
- 25% Off 1 Million Credit Purchases!
A $100 Value!
- Create up to 50 Custom YouTube Pages
Plus Free Hosting!
Display your Banner!
- Select Specific Countries to View Your Site
- Set Custom Referrer
- Set Custom Timer for Each Site
- Set Max Hits/Day
- Create up to 50 Splash Pages
Plus Free Hosting!
- Random Referrals *
- 8 Second Timer
- Account will never be idle
- Advertise up to
200 Web-sites + 300 Text Ads + 350 Banners
- 1:1.50 Surfing Ratio (instead of 2:1)
- Unlimited Hit Counter Service
- Referral Payout for 5 Levels
4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 hits/level/referral visit
- Referral Sign-up for 5 Levels
15,000 14,750 14,500 14,250 14,000 hits/level/referral sign-up
| |
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